Image: David Leikam (NS Design CR6-string Radius fretless electric bass guitar - NSArtist/ NSixArtist)
Location: Outsound New Music Summit, Berkeley, California, USA
Photo: Tim Walters
- NOW -
- THEN - [still currently updating pre-2020]
23 JAN 2025: Santa Cruz EMOM at Indexical, Santa Cruz, California, USA
11 JAN 2025: South Bay Sonic Circuits at Grateful Gardens, San Jose, California, USA & ONLINE
14 DEC 2024: South Bay Modular Synthesizer/Electronic Music Open Mic at Community of Christ, San Jose, California, USA & ONLINE
19 OCT 2024: Godwaffle Night Pancakes at Center for New Music, San Francisco, California, USA
12 OCT 2024: South Bay Modular Synthesizer/Electronic Music Open Mic at Community of Christ, San Jose, California, USA & ONLINE
26 SEP 2024: Resident Electronic Music SF Live Open Mic at Noisebridge, San Francisco, California, USA & ONLINE
14 SEP 2024: South Bay Modular Synthesizer/Electronic Music Open Mic at Community of Christ, San Jose, California, USA & ONLINE
1 SEP 2024: Skronkathon 2024 with Musta (debut) at Dresher Ensemble Studio, Oakland, California, USA
14 JUL 2024: West Oakland Sound Series: Nathan Clevenger's Astrolabe and David Leikam (solo) at Dresher Ensemble Studio, Oakland, California, USA
19 JUN 2024: KZSU WNL: David Leikam Solo on KZSU 90.1 FM, Stanford University, California, USA & ONLINE
8 JUN 2024: South Bay Modular Synthesizer/Electronic Music Open Mic at Community of Christ, San Jose, California, USA & ONLINE
4 JUN 2024: Sound Wheels with R Duck and David Leikam Live Worldwide on KZSU 90.1 FM & ONLINE
11 MAY 2024: South Bay Modular Synthesizer/Electronic Music Open Mic at Community of Christ, San Jose, California, USA & ONLINE
25 APR 2024: Resident Electronic Music Open Mic at Noisebridge, San Francisco, California, USA & ONLINE
13 APR 2024: South Bay Modular Synthesizer/Electronic Music Open Mic at Community of Christ, San Jose, California, USA & ONLINE
9 MAR, 2024: South Bay Modular Synth Open Mic: David Leikam (solo Moog) and more at Community of Christ, San Jose, California, USA & ONLINE + GROUP
22 FEB, 2024: Resident Electronic Music: David Leikam (solo Moog) & more at Noisebridge, San Francisco, California, USA & ONLINE
13 JAN, 2024: Tech Diff, Eric Glick Rieman, Gustavo Pastre, David Leikam, The Human De-Selection and Realization Nature Group – Godwaffle Noise Pancakes at Center for New Music, San Francisco, California, USA
01 NOV, 2023: Outsound Presents: David Leikam (solo Bass), Hayden Dekker (solo Sax), Mika Pontecorvo’s Two Improvisatory Compositions at Luggage Store Gallery, San Francisco, California, USA
31 OCT, 2023: Drone Ritual: David Leikam (Moog) & more in Oakland, California, USA (invite only)
26 OCT, 2023: Resident Electronic Music: David Leikam (solo Moog) & more at Noisebridge, San Francisco, California, USA & ONLINE
4 SEP, 2023: David Leikam (Moog synthesizer) at Skronkathon 2023, Oakland, California, USA
27 JUL, 2023: Resident Electronic Music: David Leikam + Jeff Mockus duet & more at Noisebridge, San Francisco, California, USA & ONLINE
22 JUN, 2023: Resident Electronic Music: David Leikam & more at Noisebridge, San Francisco, California, USA & ONLINE
20 JUN, 2023: Sound Wheels with R Duck and David Leikam Live Worldwide on KZSU 90.1 FM & ONLINE
11 JUN, 2023: SIMM Series: David Leikam solo piano, Itkuja Chamber Ensemble at Musicians Union Hall, San Francisco, California, USA
25 MAY 2023: Resident Electronic Music: David Leikam & others at Noisebridge, San Francisco, California, USA & ONLINE
27 APR 2023: Resident Electronic Music: David Leikam & others at Noisebridge, San Francisco, California, USA & ONLINE
23 MAR 2023: Resident Electronic Music: SynthAddict, David Leikam (solo Moog set), Shane Alfonso Smith at Noisebridge, San Francisco, California, USA & ONLINE
5 MAR 2023: Outsound Presents Vinny Golia's Heptacontakaiheptagon (77) Ensemble (Featuring... David Leikam - NS Design CR6-string Radius fretless electric bass guitar) at Berkeley's Finnish Kaleva Hall, Berkeley, California, USA
22 DEC 2022: David Leikam (solo Moog Rogue analog synthesiser set) at Resident Electronic Music, Noisebridge Hackerspace, San Francisco, California, USA
3 NOV 2022: David Leikam - NS Design CR6-string Radius fretless bass guitar and Matthew Davis - modular synthesiser duet at Resident Electronic Music, Noisebridge Hackerspace, San Francisco, California, USA
22 SEP 2022: David Leikam (solo Moog Rogue analog synthesiser set) at Resident Electronic Music, Noisebridge Hackerspace, San Francisco, California, USA
7 AUG 2022: David Leikam (solo electric bass and Moog synth set) at μHausen 2022, Boulder Creek, Santa Cruz, California, USA
29 JUL-AUG 1, 2022: zBug (celebrating the life of Tom Nunn) at Outsound New Music Summit, Berkeley, California, USA
SEP 2021: LKD at Private Engagement, Palo Alto, California, USA
15 AUG 2021: David Leikam (solo electric bass set) at μHausen 2021, Boulder Creek, Santa Cruz, California, USA
8 AUG 2020: David Leikam (solo Moog synthesizer set) at Eddie Gale Memorial Concert [Online Live Worldwide]
6 JUN 2012: David Leikam, Joe Straub, Pamela Z at KZSU 90.1FM, Stanford University, Stanford, California, USA
[10 AM-12 PM Playlist]
28 MAY 2012: In Your Ear Radio with David Bug at KZSU 90.1FM, Stanford University, Stanford, California, USA
[10 AM-12 PM Playlist]
28 MAY 2012: In Your Ear Radio with David Bug [Memorial Day Special] at KZSU 90.1FM, Stanford University, Stanford, California, USA
[7 PM-12 AM Playlist]
24 MAY 2012: In Your Ear Radio with David Bug + Edo at KZSU 90.1FM, Stanford University, Stanford, California, USA
[10 AM-12 PM Playlist]
17 MAY 2012: In Your Ear Radio with David Bug + Edo at KZSU 90.1FM, Stanford University, Stanford, California, USA
[10 AM-12 PM Playlist]
4 MAY 2012: In Your Ear Radio with David Bug at KZSU 90.1FM, Stanford University, Stanford, California, USA
[8:30-10 PM Playlist]
28 APR 2012: In Your Ear Radio with David Bug at KZSU 90.1FM, Stanford University, Stanford, California, USA
[12-2 PM Playlist, 5-6 PM Playlist]
23 FEB 2012: Joe Straub, Karl Evangelista, David Leikam, Sarah Howe at Totally Intense Fractal Mindgaze Hut, Oakland, California, USA
An evening of improvisational music with local musicians in different configurations welcoming Joe Straub back to the San Francisco Bay Area from Berlin, Germany featuring Joe Straub - acoustic guitar, electronics; Jason Hoopes - double bass; Karl Evangelista - electric guitar; David Leikam - Moog Rogue synthesiser, electric bass-cello; Jordan Glenn - drums; Sarah Howe - electronics, video.
12 FEB 2012: The Day of Noise featuring David Leikam and Joe Straub (8-9 AM) and zBug (11 AM-12 PM) at KZSU 90.1FM, Stanford University, Stanford, California, USA
The Day of Noise is a 24-hour marathon of live music from experimental, noise, and all things interesting/beautiful/unique artists. (12 AM-11:59 PM, PT)
10 DEC 2011: Droneshift 2011 at The Lab, San Francisco, California, USA
Droneshift is a large scale collaborative drone music event organized each year by Matt Davignon. Over 40 musicians will gather to contribute to a continuous 3 hour sound, each adding their acoustic or electronic elements here and there, and weaving their sounds together to create gradually shifting tapestries of music. The performance will continuously evolve from completely acoustic music to electric ambiance to post-industrial noise with many mesmerizing points in between.
Featuring: Laurie Amat - voice; Jorge Bachmann - electronics, CJ Borosque - trumpet; Chris Broderick - bulbul, khaens, clarinet; Laurie Buenafe Krsmanovic - voice, electronics; Diane Caudillo - voice, clarinet; Matt Davignon - glass instruments, synthesiser; Thomas Dimuzio - Moog guitar; Todd Elliott - eigenharp tau controller; Jeff Hobbs - alto clarinet, violin; Andrew Joron - theremin; Gretchen Jude - laptop, melodica; Sebastian Krawczuk - bass; J. Lee - tamboura; Jon Leidecker - electronics; Bill Leikam - conch shell; David Leikam - Moog Rogue synthesiser; Cheryl Leonard - viola; Brian Lucas - bass guitar; Bob Marsh - voice; Joe McMahon - spiral didgeridoo, iPad; Suki O'Kane - shruti box, accordion; Ann O'Rourke - voice; Ferrara Brain Pan - bass clarinet; Tim Perkis - synthesiser, electric razor; Rent Romus - saxophone, electronics; Edward Schocker - sho; Mark Soden - trumpet, flugelhorn; Moe! Staiano - cymbal; Daniel Steffey - oscillator, radio feedback; Thom Tamayo - flutes, waterphone, voice; Ure Thrall - voice, electronics; Benjamin Tinker - synthesiser, chord organ; Mark Wilson - voice, electronics; Michael Zelner - iPod Touch, Korg Monosynth
8 DEC 2011: zBug In Orbit - Outsound Presents New Music Series at The Luggage Store Gallery, San Francisco, California, USA
Full Moon Concerts: Long Night's Moon... An ad-hoc grouping with zBug and other San Francisco Bay Area musicians for a space music-themed night featuring Matt Davignon and others!
8pm: Kristin Miltner - electronics; Andrew Joron - theremin; Matt Davignon - drum machine; Karl Evangelista - electric guitar // 9pm: David Leikam - Moog Rogue synthesiser, electric bass-cello; Sheila Bosco - drums; Steve Abbate - guitar; A. Chaudhary - electronics // zBug: David Leikam - Moog Rogue synthesiser, electric bass-cello, Sheila Bosco - drums, percussion, electronics
6 NOV 2011: Terrence McManus Duos/Trios featuring David Leikam, Karl Evangelista, Tom Bickley at Subterranean Arthouse, Berkeley, California, USA
Featuring guitar duos and trios with Terrence McManus - electric guitar; Karl Alfonso Evangelista - electric guitar; David Leikam - electric bass-cello, Moog Rogue synthesiser; Tom Bickley - recorders.
26 OCT 2011: Stanford Lively Arts presents: Musicircus at Stanford University, Stanford, California, USA
Music makers and special guests Sō Percussion, Cenk Ergun and MC Schmidt (Matmos), Beth Meyers (Janus Trio) -- Stanford University students, faculty, staff, student groups, soloists, ensembles, bands, performance troupe. David Leikam on Moog Rogue synthesiser (zBug).
1 SEP 2011: David Leikam's Back Catalog Music Albums Released on Bandcamp
4 AUG 2011, 8-10 PM: Libertas and zBug - Outsound Presents at The Luggage Store Gallery, San Francisco, California, USA
zBug featuring David Leikam - Moog Rogue synthesizer, 4-string fretted electric bass, piano; Sheila Bosco - drum set, percussion, electronics; Phillip Greenlief - saxophones
3 AUG 2011, 9-10 PM (PT): zBug on Wednesday Night Live at KZSU 90.1FM, Stanford University, California, USA
zBug featuring David Leikam - Moog Rogue synthesizer, 4-string fretted electric bass; Sheila Bosco - drum set, percussion, electronics; Craig Latta - electric guitar, electronics (live from Amsterdam, NL)
18 JUL 2011, 1-6 PM: Eclektronik & Big Love presents: Lucas Rodenbush aka EBE (DJ) / David Leikam aka Bug (Moog) at KZSU 90.1FM, Stanford University, California, USA
1-3 PM (PT): Eclektronik Groove hosted by Holt Sorenson
3-6 PM (PT): The Big Love Show hosted by Jackie-O (Miss Piggy the Wonder DJ Dog)
5-12 JUL 2011: David Leikam / Muruga Booker Recording Sessions at Sage Court Studio, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
Featuring: Muruga Booker - Nada drum, drum set, keyboards and David Leikam - Moog Rogue synthesizer, 4-string fretted electric bass
Albums Released: After the Ice Cream (duets, trio) and Lunar Frequencies / Solar Rhythms (duets)
19 JUN 2011, 1:30-4:30 PM: Autoharp Workshop, Palo Alto, California, USA
10 APR 2011, 1:30-7 PM: Autoharp Workshop, San Francisco, California, USA
1 APR 2011, 9 PM-12 AM: zBug and White Pee at East Nile, Oakland, California, USA
zBug featuring David Leikam - Moog Rogue synthesizer, 4-string fretted electric bass, acoustic piano; Sheila Bosco - drum set, electronics; Sean Price - modular synthesizer, laptop
18 MAR 2011, 8-11 PM: A Miss Bird D'Finch's Film Fundraiser Extravaganza at The Zoo, Oakland, California, USA
Featuring: Holiday Heart - Video and music performances by Sarah Howe // David Leikam (electric bass) and Sheila Bosco (drums) duet // DJ Ripple (Dubstep) // DJ EBE and Bug (Techmoog) // Fire performances by members of the Dreamtime Circus featuring Crystal Cobra and Shanti Lovejoy. // Butoh dancers // Tea bar hosted by Keeli Alfonso // Shipibo crafts and more, TBA! Note: Oh yeah, and cake, cause it's Danielle's Birthday... Hope to see you there!
25 FEB 2011, 6 PM-2 AM: SouthBay Electronic Muzik Fest featuring Lucas Rodenbush aka EBE (DJ) / David Leikam aka Bug (Moog) at Johnny V's Bar, San Jose, California, USA
Covering "Electronic" muzik in its finest forms...
House/Techno: M3 (12-2:00 AM); Paul Leath (10:30 PM-12 AM); Arturo Garces (9-10:30 PM); Lucas Rodenbush aka E.B.E. & David Leikam aka Bug (8-9 PM); Podge/Scott Rich/Seanster (6-8 PM)
Bass Music (Dubstep & Drum 'N' Bass): Dub Pirates (12:30-2 AM); Mr. Kitt (11:30 PM-12:30 AM); DJ HAK (10:30-11:30 PM); Dubstantial vs. TKO (9:30-10:30 PM); Wrek-One (8:30-9:30 PM); Audio Dru (7:30-8:30 PM); Smizzle (6:30-7:30 PM); Angimal (6-6:30 PM)
Downtempo / Hip Hop / Glitch / Ambient: Tape Mastah Steph (11 PM-2 PM); Christopher Leath (9:30-11 PM); dj Sparkle (8-9:30 PM); De Nada (7-8 PM); Stephen Nicholas (Joint Effort) aka dj Peak (6-7 PM)
14 FEB 2011: Discovery of Systems (album release)
A series of nine duet pieces between David Leikam and Joe Straub recorded at Maybeck Studios in Berkeley, Clifornia. This album consists of structured improvisations realized during the session and there are no overdubs or mixing involved.
29 DEC 2010, 10 PM-12 AM (PT): Into the Night and Goodbye Radio... with David Bug at KZSU 90.1FM, Stanford University, California, USA
After 9 years at KZSU (4 OCT 2001), it's time to shift to the next creative step in life onto other creative ventures worldwide. [Playlist]
28 DEC 2010, 6-9 AM (PT): In the Morning 3... with David Bug at KZSU 90.1FM, Stanford University, California, USA
Merry Holidays to All! The Slow Burn featuring audio frequencies into 2011 onto other creative ventures worldwide.
27 DEC 2010, 3-9 AM (PT): In the Morning 2... with David Bug at KZSU 90.1FM, Stanford University, California, USA
Merry Holidays to All! Morning (noun) The period of time between midnight and noon, especially from sunrise to noon.
26 DEC 2010, 6-9 AM (PT): In the Morning 1... with David Bug at KZSU 90.1FM, Stanford University, California, USA
Merry Holidays to All! Morning (noun) The period of time between midnight and noon, especially from sunrise to noon.
18 DEC 2010, 9 PM-6 AM (PT): Noise with a Feelin' / Lift Muhammad Higher! / Pre-Anointed One Morning Show with David Bug at KZSU 90.1FM, Stanford University, California, USA
I'm still living local so I thought, "Why Not Help A Friend Out!?" Hope you tune-in for this rare moment of on-air live improvised radio DJ audio sets.
9 PM-12 AM, PT: Noise with a Feelin' [Playlist]
12 AM-4 AM, PT: Lift Muhammad Higher! [Playlist]
4 AM-6 AM, PT: The Pre-Anointed One Morning Show. [Playlist]
12 DEC 2010, 4-9 AM (PT): When Things Come To An End with David Bug at KZSU 90.1FM, Stanford University, California, USA
Good morning to a new day of consciousness, perhaps some music to rejoice in something important.
NOTE: David has been performing live and recording music in studio since 1987 (solo debut JAN 1988) with the local SFBA arts/music collective, Friday Night Music (1979-1994, 2000-2006) and other music/sonic engagements worldwide.