MAR 17, 4-6PM: David Leikam: Solo/Duet - Sound Wheels - Live Worldwide | KZSU 90.1FM
TUE, 4-6PM: I will be returning to Sound Wheels on KZSU 90.1FM, Stanford University for a live sonic premiere solo and duet engagement broadcast worldwide. I hope you tune-in live with us and tell others you know today.
SAT, APR 11: Paul Wexler's Wexwax returns to The Monkey House in Berkeley, California featuring Robbie Bean - drums; Peter Harris - electric guitar (Quicksilver Messenger Service); Alex Baum - electric bass (Joe Henderson); and myself - NS Design CR6-string electric cello, Moog synthesizer (Eddie Gale, Wadada Leo Smith, zBug). see video here